Adobe Finally Fixes Lightroom Healing Brush?!? It’s FAST now.

For years the healing brush tool in Lightroom (Classic) has been pathetically slow and essentially useless unless you only used it to fix one or two tiny spots on an image. If you added any more than that, Lightroom would slow to a crawl. For the most part it forced me to export the image to Photoshop to use their healing and cloning tools when I needed to fix dust spots or remove small imperfections because it was so much faster. Today I was editing a photo in Lightroom Classic (build 1200465) and I noticed that the healing brush seemed

Adobe Changed the Default Lightroom Raw Sharpening in V7.3

I noticed that in the latest update to Lightroom, Adobe is now applying a default sharpening amount of 40 to Raw images, instead of the previous 25.  It has been 25 since Lightroom first came to market I think. I think in most cases this won’t cause people any issues because in theory you should be treating sharpening on a case-by-case basis anyway and adjusting the sharpening and sharpen masking for each image.  It’s just something to be aware of… My guess is that they have done this because the default 25 setting was less perceptible as photo pixel dimensions

Adobe Lightroom 6.3 Now Available

Adobe made Lightroom 6.3 available today and there’s several important things to note about it.  Whilst it adds the usual array of new RAW support for newer cameras, it also adds a ton of new lens profiles for lenses like the new Zeiss Milvus range, as well as the Canon 400mm f/4 DO II. As well as performance improvements, Adobe have also reverted to the original import dialog after making sweeping changes in version 6.2.  Most people seem to prefer the original import dialog and they have listened to feedback and acted quickly to bring it back.  Creative Cloud members

Stay Out There With Adobe & The Creative Cloud

Today, I’m pleased to announce a new partnership with Adobe and their Creative Cloud Photography plan.  I’ve been a subscriber to the Photography plan since its inception a few years ago, and as mobility has become increasingly important to my business, the Creative Cloud has been right there with me.  The Photography Plan gives me access to Lightroom CC, Photoshop CC and Lightroom mobile, as well as added benefits in mobile apps such as Adobe Slate and Voice.  As far as I’m concerned, the less time I can spend in my office, the better!  Tools like Lightroom mobile, allow me

Photo Mechanic & Lightroom Workflow

I’ve posted a detailed video about what makes Photo Mechanic a must have program for many journalists and sports photographers before. But many people also like the easy adjustment tools of Adobe Lightroom.  This video walks you through how to setup a workflow that incorporates the best of both of these programs. For more detailed ingest tutorial please see my previous video ->

Adobe Launches Lightroom 4 Beta

Adobe has opened up a free public beta for Lightroom 4.  Once downloaded, users will be able to use LR4 for free until March 31st.  For users of Lightroom 3 it looks to be a fairly gentle upgrade so far, though Adobe have been known to keep back some killer features until launch time.  The biggest feature, that I guess we were all expecting, is the ability to make simple adjustments to videos.  Exposure, tone, contrast and white balance can all be adjusted and the files can be trimmed.   You can download the free beta HERE on the Adobe

Lightroom Tutorial: Managing Catalogs On The Road

I’m going to start a series of Adobe Lightroom tips and tutorials because it has become such an integral part of my workflow these days.  The first one I want to tackle is a common scenario for those of us who travel to shoot photos somewhere.  So here’s the scenario; you keep a main Lighroom library that you work off when you are in the office using a desktop computer but you travel with a laptop to shoot an event or a specific project.  While you are away you want to use Lightroom to import your photos from the camera,

Adobe finally releases Lightroom 3.0

The day has finally come , and now the clock is ticking for those of us who are running the beta version of lightroom 3. The beta will expire on June 30th and after that point you will have to purchase a copy of Adobes flagship image organizer to continue to use it. Like a lot of people out there I have been testing LR3 for some time and it is a vast improvement over LR2. Earlier in the winter I tried out Aperture 3 as well, but for me Lightroom’s file organization was much better. I don’t profess to