Redrock Micro Announces New “microEVF” electronic viewfinder for HDSLR Cameras Ultra compact, Ultra high resolution EVF Sets Standard for Size, Performance, and Price Hollywood, CA – Redrock Micro, the recognized leader in affordable professional-quality cinema accessories, today announced the new patent-pending Redrock microEVF electronic viewfinder for HDSLR cameras. This is the first electronic viewfinder designed from the ground up specifically for HDSLRs, emphasizing compact lightweight design, superior resolution, and incredible affordability.
The popularity of HDSLRs such as the Canon 5D MKII for video and motion photography has skyrocketed in recent years, but the camera body is not ideal for video. The first generation of solutions for monitoring currently available –attaching an optical viewfinder to the back of the camera’s LCD screen –severely limit placement of the viewfinder and camera body and eliminate possibility of using additional monitors for camera assistants or directors. The new Redrock microEVF is an external electronic viewfinder that connects to the camera body and can be placed anywhere for maximum comfort and stability, and can be part of a multi-monitoring solution. The microEVF uses a custom made state-of-the-art backlit LED fitted in an attractive, ergonomic housing.