I must apologize that things went a little quiet for a few weeks around here while I’ve been busy on the road in a couple of locations around British Columbia. The first trip was to photograph the temperate rainforests of the Sunshine Coast, and a second longer trip saw me based in Tofino for a few weeks while I tracked down the incredible wildlife that lives in that areas.
Just to give you an idea, in a single day I photographed black bears, killer whales (mother and son, transients), grey whales and a grey whale calf, eagles, harbour seals, stellar sea lions and California sea lions. All of that surrounded by towering mountains covered in lush Pacific rainforests. It was a heck of a trip, and those of you following me on Instagram will have seen a few shots already.
On both of these trips I used my roving photography basecamp trailer to haul gear and setup camp in various campsites. I love it! Regular readers of the blog will have seen several posts about how I have been outfitting it to carry all my gear and charge things up with solar power. I’m really happy with where I have things now, and it makes life on the road so much easier and more productive.
Anyway, I just wanted to check in really quickly and say hi! I have lots of new content coming down the pipeline very soon from these trips.
Cheers to all!