Think Tank Modular and Skin SALE

I’m not sure I can ever remember Think Tank having a SALE before so this warranted a quick post.  Especially since I’ve just reviewed one of the things they have put on sale. Just last week I reviewed the Skin set from Think Tank and having used it on a couple of assignments now I can say that I’m totally sold on it.  I would recommend it over the regular modular set BUT both the Skin and the modular set are on sale for this limited time offer. 20% off AND receive a FREE gift when you check out.

Think Tank Modular Set

Think Tank Skin Set


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Dan Carr

Founder of Shutter Muse, full time photographer and creative educator. Dan lives in the Canadian Yukon, but his wanderlust often sends him in search of images all around the world to meet the needs of clients and readers alike.

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