I sold a photo to Whistler Blackcomb recently for them to use in an advert for the new Peak to Peak gondola. If you haven’t heard of the gondola project check it out here. The gondola spans the valley between Whistler and Blackcomb mountain and will be officially opened this winter. The clever part is in the design though, it’s only held up by four lift towers on its 2.8 mile length leaving a 1.88 mile length in the middle completely unsupported!
This is the shot of Marshal Talbot that was used. It was shot on Whistler mountain this past winter with a Canon 1dMKIIN and a 70-200 2.8 at 1/320 and f9.0. Lighting came from an Elinchrom Ranger at full power hidden behind the tree on the right almost point straight up at Marshal and the base of his skis. The Ranger was on top of an 8ft lightstand and fired with pocketwizards