Behind the Shot: Lions Gate Bridge, Vancouver

There’s an interesting compositional trick used in this shot, and it’s NOT the “rule of thirds”. Can you tell what it is? Read on to find out why my angle to the bridge really mattered.

A date with the Leica M9

Last week I wrote about my experiences with the Leica X1.  While I was down in Vancouver I also had the opportunity to have a more extended test period with the Leica M9. 50mm Summicron on the left with a 35mm Summilux on the M9 First a bit of a history lesson.  The M7 and MP were the last of the film rangefinders and the first digital Leica , the M8,  was introduced in 2006 with a 10.3MP 1.3 crop sensor.  An incremental improvement was made in 2008 with the M8.2 which still employed the same 10MP sensor but with