South of the Equator – Chapter 1

Eventually winter comes to an end in Whistler. Last day of summer camps on Blackcomb glacier were mid way through July and with temperatures in the mid 30s every day I needed to get back to a cooler climate. I flew direct from Vancouver to Auckland on a new service from Air New Zealand and I have to say that they are just about the best airline I have ever flown with. Though it does help the that booking agent was an action sports photo fan and kindly hooked me up with a bulkhead seat so I could stretch out. …

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Behind the Shot: Lake Wakatipu Long Lens

An instantly recognizable scene for anyone that happens to have driven this road south of Queenstown in New Zealand. As landscape photography locations go, it’s an easy one to get to since it’s right on the side of the highway. The main reason I wanted to include this photo is to share a side-by-side comparison with this main photo, and another that was taken in the exact same location using a wide angle lens. I find that a lot of people tend to gravitate towards wide angle shots for landscape images, and whilst it’s true that they work best for

Photo of the week – Yuta Ueno

Important points about a typical action sports photography scenario. These two things are VITAL to the success of any photo involving a jump and a trick – no matter what the sport is.

Dan Carr feature in Ski And Snow

Ski And Snow is the largest snow sports magazine in the southern hemisphere and this winter then ran an 8 page article and photo gallery about me and my photography. Check it out! I’m stoked and obviously very flattered, it looked fantastic. As an added bonus I also had the cover of the very same issue with a shot of Jossi Wells at Snowpark in New Zealand.

New Zealand magazine article.

    Last summer I was sent on an assignment to New Zealand to ski on an active volcano on the North Island.  I took British pro skiers Darryl Ball and Luke Potts with me and the article was run in the British ski mag Fall Line.  This was one of my all time coolest trips so far doing this job, starting the trip off in Queenstown on the South Island and driving all the way up the coast to take the ferry over to the N.Island. Huge thanks to the New Zealand tourist board for helping us out as