Behind the Shot: Hurricane Sandy Hits New York
Stranded in Manhattan during the storm of the century, I knew I had to make something unique, no matter how wet I was going to get!
Stranded in Manhattan during the storm of the century, I knew I had to make something unique, no matter how wet I was going to get!
I’m in New York right now having just finished an interesting few days at PhotoPlus Expo. I’m going to use this post as something of an index for the coverage as a few articles will be appearing on ProPhoto Coalition. On my site: One Click – Hurricane Sandy Hits New York Broncolor Move 1200 L – The Ultimate Battery Strobe ? Multistitch – Use a DSLR on a 4×5 camera. Mindshift Rotation 180 Pro – A new outdoor photo backpack from Mindshuft which is a Think Tank Photo Company. On ProPhoto Coalition Leica M – Hands on Schneider Tilt …