New CBC Podcast Interview With Me – Listen Now!

I had a great time on the CBC Airplay show talking about photography with Mark Kelly, Alistair Maitland and Dave White. You can find it in all the usual podcast directories by searching for my name and “Airplay” or head here for iTunes and here for Google. You can also play it directly from the CBC website by clicking this link.

PDN Magazine Feature

I’ve had this magazine on my desk for a while but I’m only just getting around to posting about it so hopefully some of you caught it when it was on the shelves.  I did a phone interview with the folks from PDN Magazine last summer, about some of my recent work and specifically the workflow that I employ for my files.  It’s a real honour to be featured in such a prominent photography industry magazine, and they even included a selfie that I took, haha!  Ok, so I didn’t use a selfie stick or anything like that! It was

Tips and Tricks for the Adobe Blog

I posted about this on my Twitter and Facebook pages a few months ago, but I forgot to mention here on the blog.  I had a lovely chat with one of the writers at Adobe, and they published some of my photo tips on their blog. You can read the post HERE on the the Adobe blog.

Interview on the Depth of Field Podcast

A few weeks ago I had the pleasure of talking to Matt Brandon, The Digital Trekker, from the Depth of Field Podcast.  We chatted about all things photography and had a great time!  You can find the podcast episode on The Digital Trekker website, or on iTunes.  If you want to learn a bit more about me and my story, what I’m up to these days and how I run my business, take a listen!

Interview with Mylio

Mylio is a company that makes organizational software for photographers.  Full disclosure: I’ve never used it, so this isn’t meant in any way to be an endorsement of their product or service. They did want to interview me about my photography, though, and you can now read the interview on the Mylio website here.

Wildlife Photography Interview

My local new outlet in British Columbia recently published an article about me and my most recent wildlife photography in the newspaper.  That article is now available online HERE.  It’s a great little piece and I hope you check it out 🙂

Czech Magazine Interview

I was featured in a Czech skiing magazine this month!  That’s a new one on me 🙂  You can take a look at the photos below even if you can’t read it!

Interview on B&H Photo website

I just did an interview with the guys at B&H Photo, please check it out on their website HERE. Or download it here.

Interview on Skiing Website

Just a quick post today. I did an interview for the skiing website Update January 2016: This older interview is no longer available on their website for some reason but you can download the PDF of it HERE.