A lot of miles were covered in June as we spent one weekend exploring Faro, and another driving through Kluane National Park, past Burwash Landing and all the way to the US border in Beaver Creek. Weeks in between were spent searching for wildlife and landscapes in the Haines pass, and the Whitehorse area while testing several new-to-me Sony lenses.

The trip to Beaver Creek was a real revelation to me. I have driven almost every kilometre of the main highway system in the Yukon, but until this month, the small corner that lies between Kluane Lake and the Western US border crossing had eluded me.
I’m glad I finally made it out there. The landscape is shaped by constantly shifting permafrost which has created hundreds, if not thousands of small lakes surrounded by towering mountain peaks. It quickly became one of my favourite scenic Yukon drives, although you must be vigilant! The shifting permafrost regularly cracks the road, and everything from Burwash Landing to the Beaver Creek border crossing needs careful attention on the road ahead.