Here’s an interesting little setup which Many people haven’t considered. I’ve been shooting a lot with the little EOS-M , Canon’s mirrorless camera and it came packaged with the little Canon 90EX flash. It’s powered by just two AAA batteries and that means that it is decidedly pocket sized ! Whilst it’s marketed as a flash for the EOS-M , it works just fine with any Canon camera that has a hot shoe. If you use a 5D , a camera with no built-in flash, then it can also be a handy accessory for general shooting and at $150 it won’t break the bank or really add any bulk to your setup. Where it really comes into it’s own though is when mated to a Canon hot shoe extension cord OC-E3. Now you can get the flash off the camera , still in ETTL mode and for macro subjects it works very well. You might need to add some sort of diffusion to it to get softer light but the low power of the small flash is not such a problem when you can get it nice and close to macro subjects !