The Australian company Aquatech are best known for their underwater camera housings but over the last few years they have been slowly releasing a range of very well thought out accessories for photographers and in particular, long lens shooters. I have an assignment coming up in June that will see me carrying my longest glass around on my monopod for a whole week whilst putting in some serious leg work. While looking over the B&H website last week I noticed this new monopod wrap from Aquatech and thought it might come in handy. It also coincided with some shooting I was doing around Whistler, BC, with the hefty Canon 500mm f4 L IS so it proved it’s worth right away. The outer material is nice and soft and the other side is very rubbery. The rubber grips your monopod like glue, this thing is going nowhere so you wont have to worry about it rotating. The velcro attachments are also extremely strong and cover a large area. The foam padding inside seems to be just the right density too, offering support and not compressing too much over extended periods on your shoulder. The price seems about right, $29.95 from B&H and if you do a lot of long lens work I think you’d be glad to have this on your shoulder.
Incidentally that is a Really Right Stuff MH-01 monopod head on my monopod. You can also read all about the foot modification HERE on my Ski Photography website.