There was a lot of hype about Red’s morning announcement and in the end it turned out to be a bit unexpected and less groundbreaking than their usual announcements. Part of this is no doubt down to Jim Jannard’s vow to keep info under their hat’s until a little closer to launch time given the moving release dates and changing specs that have happened with all their other products in the past.
This morning it was announced that the first Monstro sensor was in testing and it’s called Red Dragon. The current sensor lineup is called Mysterium, Monstro will be the next generation. No details were given about the sensor at all, nada, zip, nothing. Shame. All that was said was that it will be an available upgrade to Epic. i.e you won’t need to buy a new camera, just send it in for a new sensor which is sweet. Red Ted also mentioned that they are working on their own Red 4k Projector and that they have an iPad app to control their cameras remotely. So no big announcement really, but a few smaller ones that are still pretty cool.
It seems that they are still not ready to take orders for Epic -X or Scarlet in it’s fixed lens configuration. They did have several Scarlets on hand though and I had a chance to play with one. The fixed lens feels bomb proof and is very small. Overall it feels pretty much just like an Epic , there’s some photos below. They also displayed what appeared to be a consumer version of Red Ray, through there was no info on it and they seemed unsure what to tell me about it….I had a good play with all the new DSMC gear like shoulder mounts and EVF holders etc and it’s quality stuff as you would expect, though some of it was a bit bulky for my liking if you want to keep a small tight rig. The I/O module for Epic was also on hand with HDSDI input output and XLR etc etc.