Skieur -Schuster is bigger in France

I got an e-mail this morning from Frank Raymond to say that I had the cover of the Skieur magazine in France. The photo was shot last winter in the Whistler backcountry with the Theory-3 crew while filming for their movie ” The Journal”. You can see another version of the shot from the magazine scan I posted from the Norweigen magazine yesterday. They are actually 2 different shots, I figured it would be nice to have a portrait and a landscape version of the shot so Joe did this trick a few times. It was a great day for shooting photos, the shot is actually taken shooting almost straight into the sun but there was a thin layer of cloud in front of it. It turned the whole alpine into a giant softbox so the highlights weren’t too harsh and I could still bring out detail in Joe even though he was backlit. Shot with a Canon 1dMKIIN, 70-200 2.8 L IS at 90mm , 1/1000, f8.0 ISO 200.

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Dan Carr

Founder of Shutter Muse, full time photographer and creative educator. Dan lives in the Canadian Yukon, but his wanderlust often sends him in search of images all around the world to meet the needs of clients and readers alike.

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