Sometimes I Forget That I Have This Power in My Pocket

Last week my partner and I were walking our dogs around the local lake in the evening, when we spotted this wonderful patch of floating vegetation. A rain shower had just passed through and droplets of water still clung to many of the leaves. Despite the flat light from an overcast sky, the colours were vibrant and the whole scene stopped us both in our tracks. Not having my DSLR with me, I decided to grab my iPhone instead. I took three of fours shots, then opened my favourite one in Lightroom Mobile and processed it right away before posting …

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How to Speed up the Charging of Your iPhone

Like a good many people, I rely on my iPhone for work but I’m constantly trying to keep it charged. I have a collection of scattered chargers in my home and I usually try to add a little more juice to the phone whenever I’m near one. I would never think of using the charger that actually came with the phone, but the other day it occurred to me that this might not be a well known suggestion, so here I am today to tell you all why… The little USB charger than comes with an iPhone is the same …

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iPhone In Canada Blog Mention

Being a Canadian, and a tech lover, I’m often keeping an eye on the website so it was a pleasant surprise to get a mention on there this week in relation to my involvement in the iPhone 6 ad campaign 🙂 Check it out HERE.

New Image Chosen For Apple’s Global iPhone Campaign

I’m pleased to announce today that Apple’s latest global “Shot On iPhone” ad campaign will feature one of my recent images taken with my iPhone 6+.  Their latest campaign aims to feature the work of their customers, both amateur and professional photographers, and as a longtime Apple user, I couldn’t be more excited to be chosen as part of this project!  The campaign will feature the images around the world on billboards, transit ads, magazine ads and in a gallery on More About The Image   A photo posted by Dan Carr (@dancarrphoto) on Mar 2, 2015 at 1:16pm PST

Apple iPad for photographers. What use is it?

A few days ago Apple announced that it has sold 1 million iPads in the device’s first month on sale. Less than half the time it took the original iPhone to achieve the same feat. Lots of photographers like a good gadget and many are users of other apple products already, but is there actually any practical use for one? It seems as if the iPad might be the catalyst for a fundamental change in the way that we receive what was previously “printed” media. The iBook store has sold 1.5 million books along with that first 1 million iPads